Core competencies are the foundation of a professional development system.
Core competencies refer to specific, basic concepts, skills, and abilities that early childhood professionals should learn, understand and be able to demonstrate. In Texas, we have developed core competencies for the following groups: Practitioners, Administrators, trainers, and coaches/mentors, with the intent of providing guidance to professionals seeking training and for trainers seeking training topics.
Demonstrating ability and excellence in any profession requires the mastery of different competencies related to the job. There are concepts, practices, and knowledge that early childhood practitioners and administrators must know and be able to demonstrate in order to be effective in facilitating children’s growth and development. Below you will find a list of the Core Competency Areas pertaining to each group. For a complete list of the observable competencies that fall under each area, please download the full Core Competencies documents.
Learn More about the Core Competencies
The content and structure of the competencies can be thought of as a framework for assessing knowledge and skills, guiding training and professional development opportunities, and monitoring progress. Through CLI Engage, early childhood professionals can learn about the Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Administrators and Practitioners. This training was designed for use by early childhood professionals to improve the quality of care and education young children receive.
Visit CLI Engage to Access the Core Competencies Training Modules
Texas Core Competency Areas
For Practitioners
- Child Growth and Development
- Responsive Interactions and Guidance
- Learning Environments, Planning Framework, Curriculum, and Standards
- Supporting Skill Development
- Observation and Assessment
- Diversity and Dual Language Learners
- Family and Community Relationships
- Health, Safety and Nutrition
- Professionalism and Ethics
Download the Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Practitioners and Administrators for additional information and specific competencies in each area, aligned to the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Learn more about the ECE educator micro-credentials aligned to these core competencies, currently being piloted on CLI Engage.
For Administrators
- Establishing and Maintaining an Effective Organization
- Business and Operations Management
- Human Resource Leadership and Development
- Maintaining a Healthy and Safe Environment
- Implementing a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and Environment
- Instituting Family and Community-Centered Programming
Download the Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Practitioners and Administrators for additional information and specific competencies in each area, aligned to the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
For Trainers
- Adult Learning Theory
- Training Delivery and Methodologies
- Transfer of Learning
- Training Content Development
- Monitoring and Evaluating Training Effectiveness
- Characteristics of Effective Trainers
Download the Core Competencies for Trainers for additional information and specific competencies in each area. The TECPDS Advisory Council participated in their development. Learn more about the trainer micro-credentials aligned to these core competencies, available on CLI Engage.
For Coaches and Mentors
- Characteristics of Effective Specialists (Coaches/Mentors)
- Observation Skills
- Providing Feedback
- Fostering Reflective Thinking
- Demonstration and Verbal Cues
- Supporting Continuous Improvement
Download the Core Competencies for Coaches for more information. Learn more about the coach micro-credentials aligned to these core competencies, available on CLI Engage.
Download the Core Competencies Documents

Core Competencies Alignment to NAEYC
TECPDS recently completed an alignment of the Texas Early Childhood Core Competencies for Practitioners to the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators.