Learn about our recent updates to TECPDS.
We have re-enabled users to view all previously created training and events information without having to click the “Search” button to populate data.
Color coding has been added to help participants understand their progress status. It aligns with the color coding already in place across the trainer levels. Artifact boxes have increased in size for Trainer Levels 3 and 4.
Registered trainer account renewal just got easier!
Event data from the Certificate Generation Tool is now automatically populated in your Trainer Renewal Account. This will:
Anyone providing training (Registered Trainers, Center Directors, and Organizations on TECPDS) can now automate feedback through the Certificate Generation Tool.
Components of using the built-in evaluation form:
The competencies for Trainer Level 3 and Trainer Level 4 have been updated. Trainers who train for an organization can now qualify for Trainer Level 3. To reach Trainer Level 4, trainers must also create the content they train.
Updates include:
A new look and feel to the main dashboard on TECPDS, helping you navigate easily. You can view our comprehensive overview video, New TECPDS Dashboard Updates, on our page Webinars & Presentations. Changes include:
View New TECPDS Dashboard Updates on our Webinars & Presentations to learn more.
Updates the pop-up message that appears to new CLI Engage users inviting them to opt-in to a free Texas Workforce Registry account on the TECPDS platform.
New formatting standards include character limits to title lengths to ensure conference titles are readable and understandable.
A link to the privacy policy has been added to the TECPDS homepage.
A new webpage for Registered Trainer renewals has been added to the Trainer Registry on TECPDS.
This new feature allows center directors to send a link or QR Code to their practitioners to create a new TECPDS account that is associated to their center.
Automatic reminders now inform users that a recorded credential or certification will expire soon.
The dates of entered events can be changed and updated on the Calendar of Events by submitting a change request to TEPCDS.
When adding a new Texas Employment Record, a new drop-down menu allows users to select the age groups they worked with/taught.
After downloading and filling out an Excel template with the required fields, users can upload the file directly into TECPDS to manage conference sessions, training events, and trainers.
New action buttons allow bulk download of session QR codes and bulk send functionality for conference session certificates
Practitioner Levels and Trainer Levels will automatically be recalculated each time a user account is updated with any component of the levels, including:
The implementation of predictive text improves the operation of drop-down menus. Based on the initial characters typed into data fields, the system will suggest likely options for selection.
Shares information about upcoming events and allows viewers to search and register for events of interest.
TECPDS is developing career pathways to support workforce members in understanding advancement opportunities. The Practitioner Pathway:
Creates a new competency-based recognition opportunity that is incorporated into increasing level on the Practitioner Career Pathway.
Changes support reporting needed as part of this new pilot program that will officially roll out in 2024.
Updates demographic questions on the Contact/Personal Information page to include additional race and ethnicity options.
Courses that are taken in the AgriLife Learn platform after February 1, 2023, will automatically transfer to your TECPDS account. To automatically transfer certificates, follow these tips:
Contact TECPDS Help Center if you need assistance with:
Contact AgriLife Learn at learnonline@ag.tamu.edu if you need assistance with:
New certificates created using the Certificate Generation Tool add the ability to include the:
Revisions to trainer categories and levels:
Improvements to trainer dashboard:
Changes to registered trainer application:
Updates to registered trainer processes:
Adds a new field that denotes when a childcare provider is in progress with attaining their education. The new item tracks their status as “working towards” their selected educational goal and displays the information both on-screen and in reports.
Adds a new option under the Help tab for Webinars & Presentations. This option provides access to a growing library of orientations and sessions covering a range of important TECPDS topics. The navigation option and webpage are available in both English and Spanish.
A new “invalid” status will be available for user submitted career records during verification. It can be used to tag documents that cannot be verified or accepted. It may denote records that are potentially fraudulent.
Changes to improve the attendee and assessor information stored in TECPDS.
New login restrictions that control user access during system updates will be enabled.
Reminder messages will be displayed on both the English and Spanish login pages.
When creating a new training in TECPDS, trainers can select from four additional audience types: Policy Makers, Researchers, Higher Education, and Other.
Trainer profiles will include additional options for documenting their Texas Infant-Toddler Specialist Network credentials/certifications.
The tool uses a QR code that participants scan to log their attendance at trainings to receive a certificate. Each event’s unique QR code will now include an expiration date. Attendees who use the QR code after it expires will receive an email directing them to their trainer for support.
TECPDS will be translated and launched in Spanish. Users can change between English and Spanish by clicking a toggle button located on the TECPDS navigation bar.
Adds a webpage designed to welcome new TECPDS users. The page helps users navigate the platform and compiles informative first steps and useful how-to-guides for getting started.
Functionality that integrates the TECPDS Texas Workforce Registry professional development report data with the Texas Rising Star assessment on CLI Engage. Allows assessors to review category 1 items stored in TECPDS and accept selected items for importation as automatic scores in the assessment.
A filter will be added to the manage provider pages for Local Workforce Development Boards. Use of the filter will restrict provided results to only participating TRS programs within a Board’s region.
The selection of Specialist core competencies will become available when creating trainings and from the organization, LWDB, and validator dashboards.
A new section in the certification/credentials area will display information about earned credentials. It will automatically include any earned micro-credentials and badges issued by CLI.
Training events listed on the trainer and organizational dashboard can use a QR code to confirm attendance. Scanning of the QR code during an event automatically directs the user to login to their TECPDS account to capture and store a record of their attendance.
Change allows all trainers hired by an organization to provide trainings that TECPDS approves/validates, regardless of the individual trainer’s approval status, if the organization has obtained approval status in the covered core competency.
A notification banner will be added to the top of the TECPDS dashboard that is viewable after logging in. This banner will be activated temporarily to share notices that contain important information that impact users.
Allows an organization’s administrator the option to hide or display information included on the organization’s TECPDS profile pages. Changes also include the addition of an evaluation button to the organizational dashboard and adds sections for training event information to be featured.
Making the system easier to use, individual TECPDS accounts merge into a single combined base account. (If information is missing after the update on May 20, contact TECPDS.) You will now have one ID number located in your base profile. Your highest-level account is used to determine permissions and access to tools. You can apply for elevated permissions by application.
When CLI Engage users opt-in to create a new TECPDS account, their CLI Engage profile information will be used to create their TECPDS base account. Prompts will direct the new user to add information needed to complete their base profile.
Expanding our opt-in linking CLI Engage‘s professional development and quality improvement tools with TECPDS, specialists on CLI Engage can opt-in for TECPDS accounts directly on the system.
You can delete unwanted records from your own account to clean up duplicate, blank, or erroneous records. Don’t worry, Center Directors cannot delete teacher records! Only TECPDS and Local Workforce Development Board staff can delete records from other’s accounts. Deletions are only allowed before a record is verified.
While making an event in the system, up to two co-trainers can be added and listed on your training certificates. Additional trainers are listed beneath the lead trainer, but their credentials will not be listed on the produced certificates.
Get more feedback on your trainings. A link to access the training evaluation form is included in the email that delivers the certificate of completion to everyone who attended training. The anonymous evaluation form automatically connects to the training for easy information collection.
For courses taken on CLI Engage, all denoted subdomains now transfer to TECPDS and are documented in your completed course records.
To make uploading documents faster, you can now select more than one file for upload at the same time by using the Choose Files button.
When calculating your Career Pathway level, credit is now provided for work experiences earned while in another state or at a location that is no longer operating.
The top of the Career Pathway report displays your highest level of education and total years of experience.
Center Directors can no longer submit job openings to TECPDS for posting. The TECPDS job board was replaced by a link to the Texas Workforce Commission’s job board.
Reset your password without submitting a help ticket! (Our support team is still here to help, if you need us.)
Create your training organization in TECPDS, adding your information about trainings, trainers, and events on your organization’s page! Use the new organization dashboard to manage your account, including managing trainers and trainings connected to your organization. We also have a brand-new conference tool for single or multi-day trainings and conferences held by organizations!
Create your free webpage on TECPDS and share with your contact information and training specialty with potential clients!
We’re so excited to share the newly-redesigned TECPDS website with our users! We’re also getting ready to launch a Spanish version of the TECPDS website. Take and look around, and let us know what you think!
Trainers can add continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits to trainings and certificates from the Certificate Generation Tool, and Texas Workforce Registry users can add CPE hours for their professional development.
Do you have accounts in the Texas Trainer Registry and Texas Workforce Registry? Now, you can login once to TECPDS, consolidating your user profiles and auto-populating information across your accounts! Also, use the buttons at the top of the dashboard to select features across your accounts.