This guide discusses what is needed to upload training and conference documents into Workforce Registry accounts.
When the Trainings/Workshops page is accessed by a user with an existing account, a screen will appear with the details of the training opportunities added (if any). Users have the ability to add more records as they participate in trainings, workshops, or conferences. Each training or conference added will need to be accompanied by supporting documentation, such as a certificate. Users should have electronic copies of any certificates for the record they wish to add to this page.
This page has three sections within it, and users should choose the section that best fits their training. The sections are Trainings/Workshop, CPE Trainings/Workshops, and Conferences.
If you have attended a training that supplied clock hours, you will put that training into the first section identified as Trainings/Workshops.
If you were provided CPE’s during a training, you would then input those units into the second section, identified as CPE Trainings/Workshops. (Continuing Professional Education (CPE) units are typically provided if a user works for a school district.)
The conference section allows you to create a main conference and then add each session attended during that event. For each additional session needed, you will select the add a session button. If you have additional conferences, repeat this process to add more.
(If users participate in training offered by trainers listed on the Texas Trainer Registry, they will choose that trainer’s name from a dropdown list. Once selected, they will have the option to evaluate this training. The form will be sent to the trainer and the TECPDS staff. No personal identifiers will be included in the copy sent to the trainer. If the trainer is not listed, they may type in the trainer or organization’s name in the next section.)
If users participate in trainings offered by trainers who are listed on the Texas Trainer Registry, they will have the option of selecting that trainer’s name from a dropdown list. Once selected, they will have the option to evaluate this training. The form will be sent to the trainer and the TECPDS staff. No personal identifiers will be included in the copy sent to the trainer. If the trainer is not listed, they may type in the name of the trainer or organization into the next section.
Learning Type:
Delivery Type:
When selecting Training Method, user choices include the following, and allow Child Care Licensing to know what type of training you took:
This document was last modified on: August 27, 2021