Whenever a new training is created in the TECPDS system, by either a Trainer or a Center Director, the steps will be the same for all. To help you navigate this process, follow the steps below of how to create an event in order to send certificates through TECPDS.
Step 1: Login to TECPDS and scroll down the the Certificate Generation Tools section.
Step 2: Select the “Create Training Proposals” tile.
Step 3: Then, select “Submit a New Training Proposal.”
Step 4: On the first page of “Add Training,” you will complete the following details:
- Training Title
- Training Description
- Core Competency Areas
- Continuing Professional Education (CPE) name, if you are a CPE provider through the Texas Education Agency
- CPE Provider Number, if applicable
- CPE Content/Strategies, if applicable
- Health and Human Services Standards
- Child Development Associate Competency Goals
Please note that only Title, Description and Core Competency Areas are required.
Step 5: You will then have to complete the bottom section of this page. At the bottom of page one, please select the statement that applies best to your current situation. Please note that this section will be grayed out once you are approved in a Core Competency Area. The statements at the bottom are required for you to check and allow:
- TECPDS staff to contact attendees of trainings you provide if there are concerns about the quality of training being provided
- Ensures trainers that Training Organizations cannot assign the trainers personal trainings to any other trainer
Step 6: After completing those sections, you have a choice to either “Add to My Events Without TECPDS Approval” or “Submit for TECPDS Approval.” (Subit is only for registered trainers.
What happens if I submit without approval?
- If you create a training and submit it without TECPDS approval, your training will show as “Unapproved.”
- If you would like to have it approved later, select the brown edit button and submit it for approval.
- If you are not seeking approval, you are ready to set up an event. Look for the How-to Guide for setting up events.
Why Should I Submit for TECPDS Approval?
- TECPDS will review and approve the training
- If the training goes through the review process, then the training certificates will have the TECPDS Approved Training Logo and show up as Verified in the attendees TECPDS account
- Once the training goes through the approval process, ALL future trainings in those Core Competency Areas have approval and will show up with the TECPDS Logo even without submitting the training for review.
- The TECPDS Approved Training Logo is ONLY issued when training has been reviewed and approved.
Step 7: If you select to turn in the proposal for approval,, you will be taken to page two of the training proposal to provide specific detail about the training. As a reminder, you can find sample documents at the top left corner to help you complete this section. You will provide information about the:
- Training Language: Both primary and adapted, if applicable
- Maximum Length of Training in Hours: This will be the maximum length you can do this training. If you want to do a longer version of the training, you will need to resubmit additional content in the Instructional Plan and Handouts.
- Training Description: This should clearly state what the attendee should expect from the training. Descriptions should be about 50-100 words. Remember, this is how people sometimes decide whether to come to your training or not.
The next sections of Page Two include the following:
- Description of Qualifications: Describe your personal experience and education around the topic of the training. If you provide training on Health, Safety, and Nutrition, what experiences have you had in that area that make you qualified to train others. What education or training have you had that allows you to speak in this area.
- Training Methodologies: Includes the ways that you will present the material, such as using hands-on activities, lecture, and role play
- Training Audience: Let’s you select who this training was designed for, such as Center-Based Care or Teachers of Children 0-2
- Experience Level of Audience: Select whether this training is for beginner, intermediate or advanced level staff
- Minimum and Maximum Audience Size: What is the smallest and largest audience size you will train
- Write at least 3 learning objectives. You are able to add additional objectives by selecting the “Add another learning objective.”
- Optional item. If you have an evaluation or assessment tool that you give to attendees to determine whether the attendee has learned those things you planned in your learning objectives, you can upload it in the Sample Evaluation Tool section. We highly recommend adding this document as it is a way of documenting all of your training materials in one place.
- The next items are the required Instructional Plan and Supplemental Documents. We highly suggest you use the Sample Instructional Plan and Instructional Plan Template to guide you.
- The Supplemental Documents is where you will upload documents for TECPDS staff to review your training content. It is recommended that you upload your training PowerPoint here. Please note that no-one but TECPDS staff will view these documents.
- Finally, on the last section of Page Two, check the box stating that you developed all the documentation you provided or permission to use the materials.
Step 8: As a final step, select “Submit for Approval.” Once you have done that, an email gets sent to TECPDS to let staff know that there is a proposal to review. You do not need to email us. TECPDS staff work hard to respond to training proposals as quickly as possible but know that it may take 2-3 weeks to have these processed, so don’t wait until the last minute to have them reviewed.
Step 9: You are now ready to set up your event.